
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Drama on Tuesday

I know I owe you guys an explanation of why I haven't posted the last 2 weeks of my December challenge. Honestly I was not able to take some photo. I really tried my best to catch up, but with all the things that I need to do, I couldn't.

My duties as a Mom and Partner are in hiatus lately, plus the highest level of stress from work makes me worn, pressured, exhausted, stressed, drained, and sick.

But I know I'll get through to this. It's just probably a matter of proper time management and good decision making. I'm sure I'll be better in time.

I'm sorry for doing this. I really want to vent this unpleasant feeling that I had lately. I don't know when and how it began, it was just one day I woke up feeling empty and lost. Lost in the sense of I don't know myself anymore. There are things that I wanted to do but I didn't do even if chances are dropping by.

There are times that I want to say NO but I am too afraid that if I say it, they'll never like me anymore and that karma is just waiting around to strike me back anytime. Isn't it a bit wearing?

I also want to fully take care of Ayvan but I feel that the way I am doing it now is not enough. I never want to take him for granted. He's the most precious gift I have and I will always be grateful. He needs to be taken care of and I don't think I'm doing it correctly. Crap. If only someone can tell me how to do it perfectly, but I know nobody can and I am the only woman who knows what's best for my child.

I'm sorry, you have to deal with all the drama. I'll make it up on the next post.

Thanks for spending the time to read this anyway. :)


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