The Little man's birthday celebration was held at Pizza Hut Robinsons Metro East - I will do a separate post for it, but in the meantime, allow me share you the perk that Pizza Hut had given as a token of appreciation for celebrating the party with them.
I remember when, after we settled the bill, we were given 30 pieces of cards. I did not have any idea of what is it, but the manager whispered me that it's their THANK YOU card.
You can have it replaced with a pan size Hawaiian Pizza at any of their branches. And I was like " Oooh! cool".

*Thanks Elmo for being my model. Teehee!

*It's small, only enough for Ayvan. It is Hawaiin and thick crust - safe.
I substituted one at Farmers Plaza just yesterday. I waited for 15 minutes, but I didn't mind, the waiters are courteous - offered me a seat and a glass of water. Customer service is what it's all about.
And when I got home, Ayvan ate it like no tomorrow - He has a monster appetite like his Dad. He is NOT a picky eater kid either, and as a Mom? I love it.
It is also nice because I did not spend a cent for Ayvan's merienda. Yay!
I actually have several cards left, which will expire next month, so, I better use all of them very soon. Wink.

Thank You Pizza Hut. I'm impressed.
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