Today I've been fairly productive. I cleaned the house, set up our cabinet that was so messy because of the two boys and our very not so sipag Yaya - let's not get into that, it'll only shift my mood. So yeah, I made our breakfast as a part of my cooking practice, though it's just frying. Hehe.
While I was too busy cleaning, Ayvan was too behaved. He simply sits and play his toys. Whenever I say sit lang, he would sit and stay seated until he gets bored. And I notice, his hair is growing fast too.

And since he's behaving the whole time, I rewarded him a cake for merienda. Look at him on that photo. He was such a little cutie!

I have a short kwento pala of what happened the other day. I was browsing my fb and let Ayvan play his crayons. He scribbled enthusiastically on the paper that I gave him so, I focused on Facebooking.

And just as I'm about to stand up to pee, I saw the little man happily scribbling on our wall. Eeerr. Instead of stopping him I let him finished, washed his hands and set him to sleep.

It's not every day that I am witnessing his milestones. I just felt lucky to see another one that's why I did not interrupt him.
Pretty much those are the small things that make me grateful every day. I just love every bits of him and I can't seriously get enough. Haha pag anak mo nga naman.
Let me end this with a smile and a greeting.
Happy Valentine's Day folks, may you all enjoy!

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