I woke up right on time just to verify that Ayvan will be appropriately dealt with since his not really sipag Yaya can't be allowed to sit unbothered to do such thing. I attempted my best to conceal my bothering on her on the grounds that, well, the way that she is not really sipag (doesn't clean the washroom, leaving Ayvan's utilized diaper all around, dozes at whatever point I rest, including her garments to our own when washing them, generally needs to go out) and dependably holds her phone at whatever point there's an open door, she doesn't know how to do things on her own - actually encouraging my son alone. Mind you, the extent that I know, Ayvan is the second child she'd Yaya.
This morn, when I weigh her in her room she alert and cellphon-ing. She didn't significantly try to thump on our avenue to get Ayvan or set up his breakfast. I am so pissed, yet obviously, I need to quiet myself down. I would prefer not to snap out and start to shout at her, which, I don't do naman yet imagine a scenario where I can't help it na. I don't need that and likely the exact opposite thing I'll do.
The previous evening, I arrived home late due to the overwhelming activity in Edsa. I'm close when I got her content. Ayvan regurgitated daw in the wake of drinking his milk. I was concerned, I called her and discovered that she encouraged him on the couch without a pad on his head to marginally incline him. I got horrendously distraught. In the event that I was the main traveler in the van that time, I could have condemned her to death, yet once more, I cooled myself and let her know what to do. Envision? As of not long ago she doesn't know how to isn't that right? At the point when each freakin' time we nurture my son I let her know to verify he is not resting level. Goodness. I have all her katarayan pass in light of the fact that I thought she'll change over the long haul. She's been with us for 3 months and every once in a while I let her know the stuff we need her to do, always helping her to remember her obligation extraordinarily on Ayvan. She's simply deteriorating and amazing.
They say, youthful Yayas are better in light of the fact that they're trainable, yet they're resolute as well. That being said, some of them, in any event.
On the off chance that my child can talk, he'll presumably say this...

I know there's no good in me getting irritated every time she'll do wrong and I should grant her more time, but when it comes to my boy l will not compromise.
I've spoken to my Mom today and we're planning to let the Yaya go by the end of this month.
Ayvan should be treated well at all times. I pay her for that and I'm not finding any satisfaction at all. So this is it. I am very patient but enough is enough.
We will be Yaya-less for the next month, but I'm sure we'll get a better one shortly.

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