
Thursday, December 5, 2013

December Challenge 5/31: Weather

I don't know what happened last night. I thought I already posted this, but alas, I've fallen asleep.
So, here's my supposedly entry for yesterday.

Howdy people? Hope everything is well.

As for me personally? Have been feeling worn out and exhausted lately.

It has been a real long day today. After my work I met my old room mates at Venice Piazza. We chatted - you know, friends catching up with what's bugging them lately. We haven't seen each other for 6 months na pala good thing they asked me out. I missed them! We used to have this girl talk before when we were still roommates and I really really miss that.

We set another play-date, a movie date maybe - well I really hope I can come, it will be hard this time because I already have Ayvan to consider.

I have noticed lately that traffic is heavier than it used to be. People building up so tight in the MRT every morning and that's an addition to my stress. Oh Christmas! You are making people panic.


My day 5 of December Challenge is this photo below.

I took this around 6AM. It's still a little dark but the sun is already peeking. The weather had been a ladylike yesterday - behave.



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